Stylin’ & Shootin’

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of (finally) attending Todd Porter & Diane Cu’s ( photography and food styling workshop. They are my favorite food stylists and photographers and I have been wanting to attend this for a very long time. I am so happy to say it completely exceeded my expectations.

I have been hesitant to write about the experience because it is almost too difficult to describe. It was this beautiful amalgamation of the most creative and generous instructors combined with an amazingly talented small group of artists, time and space to style and shoot as much as we wanted, delicious homemade meals and a prop room to die for. Then you top that off with boozy pops and sea salt iced coffee and you have yourself an incredible weekend workshop. Also, I had an added bonus because my talented and fabulous photographer friend, Cortney, come down from Olympia to attend with me.

The true joy of the workshop is the amount of heart and soul that Todd and Diane put in to it. Their passion for the work and the generosity in which they share their creativity was so refreshing and inspiring. I am proud of the work I did during the course of the weekend. I am also in awe of what the other students created. Below are a few of my favorite shots I took over two very rewarding days.

Macarons - It's a Party

Macarons – It’s a Party


The Cookie Stack

The Cookie Stack


Dark & Moody Herb Salt

Dark & Moody Herb Salt


Pears and my favorite color combination

Pears and my favorite color combination


A French Country Picnic

A French Country Picnic






Fresh Tomatoes & Basil (and I got it in one shot!)

Fresh Tomatoes & Basil (and I got it in one shot!)


Cocktail Hour

Cocktail Hour

Now for the speed round.  This was one of my favorite parts of the weekend.  Well this and the boozy pops.  Diane styled 13 sets and we had 40 seconds per scene to analyze the light, set our camera and shoot.  It was exhilarating and exhausting.


Now seriously, go make yourself a sea salt iced coffee.  You won’t regret it.

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