Buttery Raspberry Lemon Cake and a Small Victory

One of my favorite cakes to make for the non-cake people out there is this Buttery Raspberry Lemon Cake that I cut out of Sunset magazine. Do non-cake eaters really exist, you ask? Yes and my sister is one of them. I have made this cake on several occasions, including my sister’s birthday, and it is simple and delicious. It was also the perfect thing to make on a busy weekend when I was in charge of bringing dessert to a family dinner. But, the fact that I not only made the cake amidst the constant chaos that is my home on the weekends and managed to take a few photos is the small victory.

This is one of the most important things that I took home from the amazing workshop I did a few weeks ago. It doesn’t have to be some huge production to take a styled food photo. You just need great natural light (which fortunately I have an abundance of in my house), a nice surface (one of which I painted at the workshop) and a simple display of what you have made. While perhaps someday I will have the time to shoot beautiful step-by-step instructions like Joy the Baker, another favorite of mine, for now I will be happy with a few shots I am proud of and a very tasty cake.

Click here for the recipe.

Buttery Raspberry Lemon Cake

Buttery Raspberry Lemon Cake

Buttery Raspberry Lemon Cake

Buttery Raspberry Lemon Cake


PS – In additional support of this cake, I also submit to you my chocolate loving, lemon hating brother-in-law. His dessert of choice is chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate and he loved this cake.

And of course, Ollie, my official taste tester, who is always happy to help “clean” the beaters.

My Official Taste Tester

My Official Taste Tester